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    Air Conditioning and Your Home

    Ducted reverse cycle air conditioning is an efficient technology that can be used to cool buildings and provide warmth during winter. It uses electrical fans to blow air past metal heat-dissipating plates. The heat inside a building slowly pumps out into the outside atmosphere. It has many uses, including providing ventilation and keeping indoor air cool in the warmer seasons. If you’re wondering if your home has air conditioning, keep reading! There are several important facts you should know about it.

    The thermostat is the most common source of AC trouble. When this happens, the air conditioner will either turn on or off prematurely, or stay on too long. This can cause certain rooms in the home to be too hot or cold. The compressor of the outside unit may be malfunctioning. If your AC unit is making strange noises or isn’t working properly, it may need to be repaired. If the AC is not working, a qualified HVAC technician can inspect the system and repair it.

    If you are considering installing a split system air con in your home, before you sign a contract and go with a provider, it’s crucial to understand exactly how air conditioning works and which functionality best suits your needs. Once you have chosen your system, a skilled air conditioner installation team should handle all of the process, from the installation of the compressor to the commissioning of the system. The process of installation should be smooth and hassle-free. A skilled team can provide a quality product and ensure a smooth transition. A professional team will also provide you with a warranty and will guarantee their work.

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    They said there was nothing left to invent

    In 1889, Charles H. Duell was the Commissioner of US patent office. He is widely quoted as having stated that the patent office would soon shrink in size, and eventually close, because everything that could be invented probably already had been.

    From https://medium.com/swlh/everything-that-can-be-invented-has-been-invented-49c4376f548b

    In these times when most people have nothing new to invent, most entrepreneurs are looking for the next great idea and a great solution. Yet in all our technological advances we seem to forget that innovation begins with the scientist. Most innovators to come up with ideas independently, often finding out something they don’t know and then doing some research to find out more. Then they put their idea to work in some form or another, sometimes using technology from science fiction movies. In order to truly set the technological marker ahead of the pack, it’s time to take the next step in creating new technology through gene sequencing.

    One of the new technologies being developed in the field of genomics is artificial intelligence. This is the future of medicine and is beginning to shape the way we do everything from robotic assistance to weather forecasting. It’s not too far-fetched to think that one day you may be able to download and control an android computer which will then perform surgeries on your body at your request. But the research is in its infancy still and this new technology holds a lot of promise, especially as medical research and treatments become more sophisticated. If we can’t prevent disease or prolong life through modern pharmaceutical methods, what other options do we have?

    In order to bring artificial intelligence to the forefront of new technology trends, we must first develop self-learning software that is robust enough to recognize patterns and similarities in the way humans and other life forms behave. We also need to make sure that the software can teach itself enough to distinguish between what is normal behavior and something that are not. Currently we’re only able to teach machines how to distinguish between normal behaviors and those that might be deemed suspicious. In the future the same thing could happen with artificial intelligence. If we can teach computers how to distinguish between a sick child and a healthy one, then they may be able to treat their own illnesses.